
We hope that this time of year is treating all of you well!

We know that we’ve been quiet for quite some time now.  We want you to know, however, that we’ve been busy behind the scenes.   We apologize for not keeping you all in the loop but wanted to take this opportunity to update all of you.

We had some success in Florida and Georgia in defeating some CACREP only measures there!   In, VA, our latest advocacy generated 181 comments, only a handful of which supported the proposal.  There was no public follow up from the VA Governor’s office.

The counseling compact is now in effect.  The ten states that signed up for it are: Alabama, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Mississippi, Nebraska, Utah, and West Virginia.  The ACA is continuing to work on how regulations will work for this compact.  We want you to know that we’ve been hard at work to ensure that there is no language adopted that would open the door to CACREP only restrictions.

Thank you for your commitment to counselor inclusion!
Alliance for Professional Counselors (APC;